Dr. Goodwill Shana invited as chief guest in Rwanda National Prayer Breakfast

The president of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA) and Chair of the International Council of World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), Dr. Goodwill Shana was the Guest of Honor of the 2024 National Prayer Breakfast in Rwanda, that took place on the 14th of January.

The president addressed the nation of Rwanda on the auspicious day and reminded us that we live to execute God’s purpose in our generations. It takes Servant Leadership that is adaptable, accountable and responsible to serve that purpose. Servant leadership is what politicians, market place leaders, religious leaders require to serve God’s people. Seeking the forgiveness of God calls for forgiving others. This virtue is what we are witnessing here in Rwanda. Jesus said this to those who truly served Him, “I was naked gave me clothes, I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me water, I was a prisoner and you visited me…” We serve God by serving others.  Servant leadership is stewardship of people and resources at our disposal.

Dr. Shana also, joined by international delegates, laid flowers at the Kigali Genocide Memorial. This followed an emotional tour of the memorial which gives vivid memories of the pre, during and aftermath of the genocide. The President conveyed his heartfelt sympathy and affirmed solidarity with the Rwandan people that “Never Again”; Never Again will innocent children be butchered, never again will women be raped and killed. Rwanda has come that far through God’s help and has emerged from the shackles of despair to a modern nation, with modest statistics on GDP Per Capita, low-level corruption, low poverty and cleanliness.

AEA President Dr. Goodwill Shana with President of Rwanda, H.E Paul Kagame (centre front), AEA General Secretary Dr. Master Matlhaope
(2nd left, back) and other leaders at the 2024 Rwanda National Prayer Breakfast.

The rest of Africa can take a leaf from this Rwandan story to guard against what took place in 1994 in Rwanda where close to a million people were killed. Africa has comparatively plentiful resources, what we need are values to guide management of these resources. Our prayer and belief is that we will learn from Rwanda.