Evangelical Alliance of Angola’s 50th Anniversary Celebrations

The Secretary General of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA), Dr. Master Matlhaope is in Angola for the 50th Anniversary Celebrations of the Aliança Evangélica de Angola (Evangelical Alliance of Angola), which was founded in 1974.

The celebrations began with a book launch ceremony, where the book 50 anos ao servico da Igreja e da nacao Angolana (50 years at the service of the Church and the Angolan nation) was launched. Gracing the occasion was the Vice President of the National Assembly of Angola, Dr. Américo Cuononoca, government ministerial leaders, deputies, diplomatic members accredited in Angola and academic authorities among others.

This event was hosted by the President of Board of the Angola Evangelical Alliance, Rev. Dr. Francisco Sebastião, the Vice President of the board Rev. Antonio Barros, and the Secretary General of the alliance, Dr. Alexandre Saul. Another key figure in attendance was Rev. Dinis Eurico, President of IESA church denomination and one of the oldest members of the Evangelical Alliance of Angola. Representatives of the 16 religious denominations that are part of the alliance, and 12 other denominations were present as well.

It was a historic day for the alliance with the launch of the book that tells the story of 50 years of evangelization and social work provided to the Angolan people. During this launch, an impactful discussion panel about the impact of AEA in Church and in Angola in general, was conducted.

AEA Secretary General Dr. Master Matlhaope was honored for his significant contribution to the alliance and evangelicals in Africa, in general.