AEA and its members join in common concern to live and proclaim the Good News of Jesus amongst all nations and peoples, seeking holiness, justice, and transformation at every level: individual, family, community, and culture.

Over the years, the initiatives of AEA include the founding of: Bangui Evangelical School of Theology (BEST) in Central African Republic for the Francophone region, Africa International University (formerly Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology) in Kenya for the Anglophone region, Christian Learning Materials Centre (CLMC) in Kenya, Africa Christian Television (ACT/PEMA) in Cote d’Ivoire, Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa (ACTEA).

These projects have a focus on sound theological and Christian education from childhood to the highest level of scholarship at university level, for effective evangelization and discipleship of the church in Africa. The two theological schools were the first graduate theological schools in sub-Saharan Africa in the modern history of the Church. A landmark publication in our stride for biblical resource is the one volume Africa Bible Commentary, published in 2006.

AEA also works through various commissions including Women, Theology and Christian Education, Evangelism and Mission, Ethics, Peace and Justice, Relief and Development, Communication, Youth and Sports, Evangelical Focus on Children and Stewardship and Accountability. The focus is also on leadership development and church mobilization for advancing the Kingdom of God and societal transformation across Africa.