Tyndale House Foundation, strengthening ties with AEA through a visit to Nairobi, Kenya


The Tyndale House Foundation, a staunch supporter of theological research and education, embarked on a significant mission to Nairobi, early November, aimed at solidifying their partnership with the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA).

Led by the President of Tyndale House Foundation, Jeremy Taylor, the delegation, alongside Rev Dr Master Matlhaope, the General Secretary of AEA, engaged in crucial discussions surrounding the evangelical landscape in Africa. Leading topics included the need for comprehensive research on demographics, a reliable count of trained pastors, and other vital church health indicators.

The Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa (ACTEA) representatives led by its Executive Director, Dr David Tarus, were also at this meeting after a similar visit to their offices earlier in the day.

A pivotal highlight of the visit was the recognition extended by Tyndale House Foundation for the advances made by the Africa Evangelical Alliance. Acknowledging that AEA had already secured part funding for this project earlier in the year, Tyndale House Foundation lauded the progress in setting up a state-of-the-art research and resource centre at AEA’s plaza in Nairobi. This centre, poised to be a beacon for research work across the continent, will be a valuable asset for informed decision-making in the ministry sector.

Jeremy Taylor expressed possible alignments with AEA’s pursuits and found encouragement in witnessing the transformative work of God through AEA across the African continent. This marked a visit not only deepened by the partnership between Tyndale House Foundation and AEA but also exhibited their shared commitment to advance the cause of evangelicalism in Africa – a huge step forward in empowering the evangelical community in Africa with vital resources and a comprehensive database for informed decision-making.
About Tyndale House Foundation:
The Tyndale House Foundation is a trailblazing advocate for theological research and education, dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding of the Christian faith through scholarly pursuits.
About The Association of Evangelicals in Africa:
AEA is a unifying force in the evangelical community across Africa, committed to enhancing collaboration and fostering spiritual growth for the greater glory of God.
About The Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa (ACTEA): exists primarily for two main reasons: to offer academic accreditation of theological programs through a rigorous process of quality assurance and accountability, and to offer institutional networking and support services. ACTEA is also a project of AEA Contact: actea.africa@gmail.com 
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