Evangelical leaders in Kenya urged to promote unity and reach unreached communities

The Secretary General of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa, Dr. Master Matlhaope, met with the church leaders who leads various denominations in Kenya. The SG congratulated them for spreading the gospel in Kenya and making the nation the biggest evangelical place in the world where one out of two citizens is an evangelical Christian.

Dr. Matlhaope urged these esteemed leaders to be resilient in ensuring that the word of God reaches the unreached communities in the country, through meaningful strategies that include empowering their individual followers in the grassroots.

He encouraged unity among believers and urged leaders to do everything in their power to ensure unity.  He encouraged them to emulate the example of Cote D’Ivoire who came up with Unity Day that is observed across the nation. Dr Matlhaope stated that, just as unity is doctrinally missional, it is also missionally doctrinal. “Unity of believers should be forged by all means and must be cascaded to the entire nation, because unity is the best platform for national and continental development,” he stated.

Evangelical Alliance of Kenya (EAK) has a registered membership of 900 denominations, the majority of which have a nationwide presence and are spread all over the country to the tune of tens of millions of evangelical Christians.