
AIU holds its 32nd Graduation Ceremony

The Africa International University (AIU) held its 32nd  graduation ceremony in Nairobi on Saturday, 1st July, 2017. The theme at this year’s event was “the Salt and Light as we face the future”. The guest speaker at the ceremony was The Most Rev. Eliud Wabukala, who is the current Chair of Kenya’s Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC).

In a message to the graduating class of 2017, the AEA General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Aiah Foday-Khabenje, noted the distinguishing characteristics of Salt and light (purity and flavor) and that this was a call to purify our world and add divine flavor. He said, “Through your training and spiritual formation at AIU, the Lord will make it clear for you what is good and what is required of you and may your light shine and be a healing balm (salt) to hurting world.” Rev. Joseph Mayala, an AEA Executive Board Member and AIU Governing Council in his speech at the graduation square, lauded AIU’s  achievements while noting its AEA’s role in establishing the institution.

The AIU Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dankitt Nasiuma, spoke of the successes and progress of the institution, highlighting the recent multi-million road project the institution is undertaking at it main campus in Karen, Nairobi among other undergraduate and graduate programs .

For more information on AIU programs and intakes please visit http://www.aiu.ac.ke