
Message of Solidarity and Peace from the AEA President to the Church in Zimbabwe

Like many of you, we at AEA have been profoundly affected by the happenings in our continent. Without a doubt, this has been a period of political upheaval in Africa and as Church leaders, we have deep concerns about the African countries that continue to experience instability or conflict like South Sudan and the DRC and the implications of the divisive Kenyan elections, and now the almost inevitable hand-over of power in Zimbabwe.

These tensions have given rise to uncertainty and fear, more so for the peoples of these nations. On behalf of the entire Association of Evangelicals in Africa I would like to express our concern and offer solidarity, prayers and compassion to all who are forced to live under these difficult circumstances.

As Christians, we are indeed called to bear witness to our faith and therefore we must condemn any action that would breed conflict and lawlessness.

Having played various leadership roles in Zimbabwe, I want to send a message of solidarity to the Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations (ZHOCD) for their zeal and visionary leadership exhibited during this period.

At AEA, we echo ZHOCD’s call for National Dialogue and the need for a transitional government of National Unity. The Church’s response promises great prospects in charting a Zimbabwe that God wants.

Although we are yet to find out how the recent developments will contribute to the journey to greater democracy, we remain hopeful of a prosperous Zimbabwe.

The people of Zimbabwe have suffered in untold ways and must remain aware of the consequences of inaction and supporting self-seeking political actors. As Christians we must give witness to our faith.

We deeply appreciate the messages of hope and solidarity we have been receiving from fellow Christians across the continent. We urge the AEA family to continue in your prayers both corporately and individually for all the nations going through some of the most difficult times.

Gal6:2 Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.





Dr. Goodwill Shana
AEA President
Recent Past President – Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe (EFZ)
Former Chair of Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations