Refugee Highway Partnership Research Request

Nairobi, 9 March, 2023

The Refugee Highway Partnership (RHP) is currently undertaking research investigating the role of the Christian Community in the support of forcibly displaced people around the world. The aim of the research is to learn more regarding both the scale and scope of the impact of the Christian Community, and to discover how this support relates to wider humanitarian efforts.

The findings will be used to both encourage and challenge the Church towards further effective engagement, and to demonstrate the role the Christian Community is currently playing in many parts of the World. A write up of the research will be submitted in partnership with World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) for the UN Compact for Refugees in December 2023.

The research will be conducted through a survey and interviews. The survey should take respondents around 10-15 minutes to complete and focuses on the different aspects of the support and assistance they have received through their journey since being displaced. The survey will be circulated through organisations, ideally both faith based and secular, working with refugees around the world.

The interviews will offer narrative depth to the data. We will seek interview participants from all regions representing a diversity of refugee experience.

We would love to invite you to help us with this research.
You can do this by circulating the survey to people who have experienced forced displacement
or if you would like to have a greater involvement in interviewing some respondents, that would be greatly appreciated too. Please email if this is the case. Click here for the interview guide with more details of what would be required.

We would like to ask for survey responses to be completed by March 19th 2023.

Survey Link

(The survey can be translated if you open it in google and right click on it)

We appreciate your help and support in this,

Tim Elverson
RHP Global

About Refugee Highway Partnership
The Refugee Highway Partnership (RHP) is a network of churches, faith based agencies and individuals serving forcibly displaced people around the world. The network was founded in 2001 following a WEA-sponsored global consultation on Christian engagement in the support of refugees and remains closely associated with WEA.

AEA is a continental organization representing more than 200 million Christians in more than 45 countries including Kenya.