Joy to the World!

Season’s greetings: When the jingle bells of Christmas resound in our malls, matatus, tro-tros or poda-podas (public buses and mini buses that ply most of our African cities), we are jolted to the reality that the Lord reigns. The Bible says: we live, move and have our being in Him (Acts 17:28). In him, our joy is complete (Col.2:10). We still do serenading in Freetown, singing Christmas carols on the streets and moving from house to house at night at this time of the year. In a world of turmoil, set on self-destruction on many fronts; whether it is climate, sex change, destructive nationalism, dehumanisation of other people unlike us, idolatry and ultimate secularism (keeping God out of our lives and the world), Christmas is Good News. Joy to you all that the Lord Jesus Christ has come; please welcome Him this season like you have never before. Merry Christmas