Praying For Healing And Restoration: Aea Stands With Libya And Morocco Amidst Natural Disasters

The Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA) stands in deep solidarity with the people of Libya and Morocco as they face the overwhelming challenges posed by recent natural disasters. Our hearts ache for the loss of life, suffering, and devastation experienced by our brothers and sisters in these nations.  

In Libya, the city of Derna has been brought to its knees by the destructive floods caused by storm Daniel when two dams burst on the Wadiderna River. We lift up the families who have lost their loved ones, homes and livelihoods and stand together to beseech the Lord to provide comfort to the grieving, shelter to the homeless, and hope to those who are now in despair. We also pray for the dedicated government and humanitarian organizations and agencies working tirelessly to bring relief and aid to the affected population.

In Morocco, a powerful earthquake shook the region of the Atlas Mountain range on 8th September, leaving a trail of death, destruction and heartache in its wake. We mourn the lives lost and the suffering currently being endured by countless individuals. We pray for those who are injured and traumatized, that they may find healing and solace in the midst of this turmoil. We also pray for the leaders and authorities in Morocco, asking for wisdom, resources and strength as they navigate the complex challenges of responding to this disaster sue to the difficulties being encountered in trying to access the affected area.

Lord God Almighty, we turn to You in these times of great distress, knowing that You are the source of comfort, strength, and hope. We seek Your divine intervention in the recovery efforts in Libya and Morocco. May Your guiding hand be upon the first responders, aid workers, and volunteers who are selflessly serving the affected communities.

We also pray for unity and cooperation among nations, our National Evangelical Alliances and AEA Associate organizations, that they may work together efficiently to bring relief and support to those in need. Break down any barriers that hinder assistance from reaching the most vulnerable, we pray. In Jesus’ name, we offer up this prayer, trusting in Your unfailing love. Amen.

As the Association of Evangelicals in Africa, we commit ourselves to fervent prayer and to exploring ways in which we can extend our hands of compassion and love to our brothers and sisters in Libya and Morocco. To send your one-time monetary support to victims of these two natural disasters in Morocco and Libya click on the following link and donate:

You can also your donations via the following AEA US Dollar account Details:

Bank Name: Stanbic Bank Kenya

Branch: Upper Hill Medical Centre

Account Name: Association of Evangelicals in Africa

Account Number: 0100000199308


Branch Code: 31010