The AEA Relief and Development Commission holds its Strategic Planning Workshop

The Association of Evangelicals in Africa Relief and Development Commission (ARDC) held its strategic planning workshop from 17-19 February, 2017 in Kampala, Uganda alongside core AEA staff, select head of Community Inter-Church Alliances (ICA’s) and National Alliance leaders from South Sudan, Rwanda and Uganda.
The head of the Evangelical Alliance of South Sudan (EASS), Bishop Wani Lemi Arkanjelo, said the process was important in inquiring from God. He said, “Inquiring denotes humility and is important in planning and strategy.The AEA General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Aiah Foday-Khabenje, in his opening remarks, said the meeting was important in “seeking God’s direction in ARDC’s activities, assessing what we have and what we can do.”  ARDC hopes to role out a strategic road map that would guide it’s activities and key output areas for the next five years, by April 2017.
The Association of Evangelicals in Africa Relief and Development Commission (ARDC) is one of the 7 commissions (implementing arms) of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA). ARDC is mandated to serve the continent, and it was created to serve the evangelical constituency and wider society in Africa to engage in meaningful and effective holistic ministries aimed at reducing human suffering. For years, ARDC has enabled the evangelical churches to develop a positive attitude in relief, development and social transformation. ARDC has carried out interventions responding to the needs of the member alliances and communities affected by war, armed conflicts flood famine and other forms of natural and man-made disasters.   It conducts mobilizing workshops on key issues of local relevance in social development, empowers church based communities to start work on their major challenges for survival and development, provides platforms for continuous engagement, and enhances communication and exchange of information.