The Aea Welcomes Dr Verena Schafroth As She Supports AEA Lusophone Africa Initiatives

The AEA welcomes Dr Verena Schafroth. Having served in theological education in Africa for many years, first in South Sudan and then Mozambique, she now works as a theological education consultant with Overseas Council International, one of AEA partner organisations. She will be supporting the AEA’s initiatives in lusophone Africa and has just returned from a conference for theological schools in Angola:

After many years without much contact, the representatives of the different theological schools in Angola met for the first time again in September. And what a meeting it was!

Session in progress

42 delegates came together in the south of Angola to reflect on and exchange ideas about contextualising and assessing their curricula. A team of seven facilitators from Angola, Germany, Brazil, and the States supported them. Contextualisation is a big word at first, but behind it lies a simple question: “What does a pastor in Angola need to learn to do his ministry well?” Many curricula in African seminaries have simply been adopted from the West and thus do not address questions posed by the African context and life. Hence, we sat down with the schools and reflected on how the reality in the churches and society can be better integrated into the training so that the Kingdom of God grows in Angola and the churches receive the leaders they need to grow. After five days together, we can reflect on many good conversations and teaching sessions. Please pray that this conference will continue to have an impact and that what has been taught can be put into practice.