Update: Continuing Deadly Attacks on Missionaries Highlights Religious Persecution in Nigeria

After the attack on missionaries in Nigeria by Fulani herdsmen in Ganna Ropp in Jos, Nigeria on Tuesday, 5th May 2020, we are pleased to report that Canon Bayo and Naomi Famanoure and family are recovering well from their injuries. The support of the global Church has been encouraging with the AEA receiving donations on behalf of the family. Rev. Bayo was effusive narrating the experience of receiving widespread support from around the globe. “The church rose as one man and rose from across the world. Phone calls, messages, gifts in cash and kind kept flowing in. In spite of the strict rules about visiting, many church leaders showed up by our bedsides in the hospital. Prayers were raised to heaven on our behalf across the world. A missionary and his wife and sons from a very tiny village on the Plateau…all this attention. We are very grateful.” He said.

Canon Bayo has since returned to the base and received a rousing welcome with singing and crying from the community residing at their the GanaRopp mission base,. According to the Bayo’s they “were dead but are alive”. The General Secretary of the Nigeria Evangelical Alliance, Rev. James Akinyele led a team of mission leaders to see the Famanoure’s at the Mission Base in Gana Ropp on Saturday, 11th of July 2020. Rev. Akinyele said, “It was a challenge to hear that following the deadly attack on the Famonures, none of ministry workers had ran away from the mission base!  Their resolve to live for Christ has only been further strengthened.” He added that efforts to provide further security for the base is still ongoing.

We thank God for preserving their lives as they seek to continue their mission in the troubled region.