AEA Leadership Seminar Kicks Off
Arusha, Tanzania- 22 February, 2017
The Association of Evangelicals in Africa Leadership Development Seminar kicked off yesterday at the Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge in Arusha, Tanzania and is scheduled to run till the 23 February, 2017. Twelve key leaders, constituting over 50% of the Africa Inland Church Tanzania (AICT) leadership, were present-led by the Arch Bishop of AICT, Rev. Silas Kezakubi. Other participants were drawn from The Africa Council for Accreditation and Accountability (AfCAA) and the AEA planning team.

Arch Bishop Silas Kezakubi delivering his Key note address during the opening ceremony of the seminar
Arch Bishop Silas Kezakubi, spoke of how he has keenly followed AEA’s history and had planned to attend AEA’s 50th Anniversary, but unfortunately lost his wife few days before the AEA Jubilee celebrations. He stressed the significant role of such leadership seminars in building the capacity of church leaders in the continent. He said, “The leaders you see here represent members of the AICT executive board accompanied by their General Secretaries stemming from six dioceses of the AICT in Tanzania. We are all here, despite our tight schedules, to learn about AEA and expose ourselves to this much needed training.”
The AEA General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Aiah Foday-Khabenje, who officially opened the seminar, said in one of his remarks that he hoped the seminar would address the critical question of whether Church Leaders are meeting the needs of their flock. Dr. Aiah also highlighted the importance of unity in the body of Christ saying, “God is a unity of beings, the Triune God yet One and Christians also, regardless of their denominations and expressions, need to work towards Church unity if the Church wants to be the salt and light of this world.”

Rev. Joseph Mayala and Dr. Ted Barnett working behind the scenes during the seminar
The AEA leadership seminar is a program spearheaded by the AEA General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Aiah Foday-Khabenje supported by Dr. Ted Barnett (AEA Consultant) who is seconded by the Africa Inland Mission (AIM).

Patrick Kuwana of Unashamedly Ethical prepares for his final session
The Seminar facilitators and speakers include: transformational entrepreneur Patrick Kuwana (Crossover International and Unashamedly Ethical), Rev. Joseph Mayala (AEA Executive Board member), Rev. Ezekiel Jako (AEA Missions Coordinator).
*A full conference report will be published in our Monthly E-updates and will be available on the AEA Website.