Africa International University 38th Graduation Ceremony
Africa International University will on Friday, 7th July 2023 host its 38th Graduation Ceremony as from 10.00a.m at the Karen Main Campus. This will be the 12th graduation ceremony since AIU received a University Charter from the Government of Kenya.
In the highly anticipated event, the university will award diplomas and confer degrees for bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D studies to students who have dilligently pursued academic excellence since they joined the institution.
Key in the graduation proceedings will be the installation of the new Chancellor; Rev. Dr. Master Matlhaope, who is the current General Secretary of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA), the founding organization for AIU. Dr. Matlhaope who hails from Bostwana holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Practical Theology and has faithfully served the church in Africa and beyond in various capacities.
He takes the baton from Prof. Watson Omulokoli who served the university with zeal and saw the transformation and repositioning of AIU into a global African university.
AIU remains committed to producing christ centered leaders of integrity for the transformation of God’s people and the World.
You can follow the live proceedings through the University’s Facebook’s and Youtube pages below:
Congratulations to the graduating class of 2023!