AEA delegation at World Evangelical Alliance Emerging Leaders Summit

BOGOR, Indonesia

The Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA) sent a delegation to the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Emerging Leaders Summit, convened by the Asia Evangelical Alliance in Bogor, Indonesia. This ongoing summit that started on October 17 and ends in October21, 2023, marks a significant moment in global evangelical leadership.

Berto Kado, 28, (AEA Research and Protocol officer) and John Jusu Jr., 25, who serves in the Programs and Communications department at AEA, brought their expertise to bear on pivotal sessions throughout the event. Their contributions were instrumental in guiding the discourse and strengthening the foundation of leadership within the global evangelical community.

Jim Olang, AEA Head of Programs and Communications, and Melissa Mushamalirwa who also serves in the Programs and Communications department, continue to play vital roles in facilitating and participating at discussions at the Table conversations and “under the tree discussions” during break-out sessions. The team of four hailing from Kenya, Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of Congo, are also leading prayer break-out sessions for participants with a burden of praying for Africa during the event.

As the summit unfolds, it’s becoming evident that change is an unyielding companion in the journey of faith. This clarion call urges leaders to navigate discomfort and uncertainty as they work towards advancing the Gospel and nurturing discipleship among the rising generation of Christians.

As the summit unfolds, it’s becoming evident that change is an unyielding companion in the journey of faith. This clarion call urges leaders to navigate discomfort and uncertainty as they work towards advancing the Gospel and nurturing discipleship among the rising generation of Christians.

The resounding need for the Church to adopt an intentionally missional posture resonates deeply. It is a rallying cry to infuse purpose into every sphere of influence, to assemble believers not just for collective worship, but with the strategic intent of deploying them as emissaries of Christ’s teachings. This is a summons to gather in order to scatter, to amass spiritual fervor with the aim of disseminating the Gospel’s transformative power far and wide.

As the summit reaches its crescendo, the promise of further revelations and actionable insights lingers in the air. The crucible of the World Evangelical Alliance Emerging Leaders Summit is forging leaders who are poised not just to navigate, but to thrive in this ever-evolving spiritual terrain. We shall continue to highlight the unfolding narrative of transformation and renewal, for this journey has only just begun.