
Congratulations to the AEA General Secretary for Birthing the Katoan Theology Corpus

Join us in congratulating Rev Dr Aiah Foday-Khabenje, the General Secretary of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA), for successfully defending his second PhD thesis at the South African Theological Seminary (SATS) titled: “An Analytical Biography of Byang Henry Kato (1936-1975): His Theological Legacy and Contribution to Biblical Hermeneutics, African Christian Identity, and Evangelical Theological Education.”

The thesis is seen as one of the most comprehensive research work on Dr Byang Henry Kato and his contribution to evangelicalism in Africa. Dr Foday-Khabenje’s thanksgiving remarks to the SATS panel echoed his belief that the research work was “the Rebirth of Kato’s “Theological Pitfalls in Africa” and a renewed call to African Christians to be Christian Africans!”

The Chair of the AEA Board, Dr Mario Li Hing, commending the rare achievement to members of the AEA Board said, “Your research work has indeed restored an important part of our history by honouring Dr Byang H. Kato, the first African General Secretary of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa and an outspoken critic of the dangers of syncretism and universalism in the African Church. Thank you for your significant contribution and legacy to the Evangelicals in Africa and beyond. You left no stone unturned in these last twelve years at AEA and we want you to know that we are extremely proud of you.”

Dr Foday-Khabenje expressed his gratitude to his Supervisor, Dr Annang Asumang (PhD SATS) and the entire community SATS team for what he considered excellent scholarly support for students pursuing degrees at the institution.  He added, “I did not do a PhD to retire but I did the PhD to contribute to the academy as part of my legacy by God’s grace and trust that those of us who stand on Kato’s shoulders can see farther and those coming after us can see even farther more, for the glory of God and the advancement of the kingdom of God in Africa and beyond.”

Dr Annang Asumang made a glowing tribute to the AEA General Secretary’s humility as a student and his profound gratitude for not only supervising a PhD candidate but one that had previously acquired a doctorate and was writing about one of his predecessors, Dr Byang Henry Kato, the first African General Secretary of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa.

In the presence of family, friends and colleagues from across the globe, the online defence presented a unique opportunity for many of Dr Foday Khabenje’s peers and scholars to witness this rare of achievements – the award of a second Doctorate. The Principal at SATS, Dr Kevin Smith, said the SATS community rejoiced Dr Foday-Khabenje’s achievements, contribution adding that “it has been a joy for SATS to have him as a friend, a colleague and an ambassador.”

Dr Smith noted that the AEA General Secretary’s life and heart resonate with the SATS charge to its students to use their scholarship in service of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Kingdom and His Church.

Global leaders and friends also sent congratulatory messages to the AEA General Secretary. Here are some of the highlights:

“Once again congratulations! Well done! You brilliantly brought credit to yourself and SATS. Well done!” Dr. Annang Asumang, PhD SATS

“Masterful presentation and a tour de force in responding to questions from the panelist.” Dr Batanayi Manyika (PhD SATS), Chair of the SATS PhD panel,  

“Publishing would be wonderful! I think it would be a good way to serve evangelicalism on the continent. “Rev. Moss Nthla, General Secretary of The Evangelical Alliance of South Africa (TEASA)


“Congratulations again and thanks for allowing us to share in such an intellectually stimulating and significant research. I was so blessed and I can’t wait to see the book in print. Was really a blessing.” Rev. Dr Casely Essamuah, Secretary of the Global Christian Forum

“Aiah just a note to see how much I enjoyed your presentation today, your response to questions and the treatment of your subject. It was wonderful to hear, and such an important piece of research. We’re so proud of you and grateful for the opportunity of joining you in your oral defence.” Dr Brian C. Stiller, WEA Global Ambassador.

“We pray that God will continue to use you in His ministry and for His glory.” Mrs. Almonda Foday-Khabenje