Please join us to thank God for this wonderful provision to advance his Kingdom. Thank you for your prayers, financial contributions and partnership. The journey has been long and arduous and only together could we span the distance. Indeed, together, we can. We continue to earnestly appeal to you for your financial support to finish the project well.
As we stride along to the finishing line, here is what is left ahead of us for your prayerful consideration for assistance:
- Repayment of mortgage loan of $2,000,000 as soon as possible. Moratorium before commencement for payment of interest lapsed, as at 30 September 2018.Selling off some space will be last resort; keeping as much space as possible is best for AEA, for rental income.
- Fit-out of 9th floor, including AEA headquarters offices, prayer chapel, boardroom with video conferencing facilities and furniture ($280,000).
- Fit-out of 10th floor, Resource Centre equipped with digital and specialized library, conference and workshop/seminar facilities and suites for guest accommodation ($300,000)
- Official opening of the Centre is scheduled for Friday, 29 March 2019.
Please continue to walk along with us to the finish line. We need your prayers and financial contributions.
Let me reiterate the importance of the Africa Evangelical Centre. The phenomenal growth of the Church in Africa, driven by evangelical activism, has placed the African Church at the heart of global Christianity. According to the Centre for the Study of Global Christianity, 2018 marks the first year that Africa has the most Christians, with 631 million Christians—30 million more than Latin America in second place. This shift has far-reaching implications for evangelicals in Africa. The AEA needs to reposition to enhance capacity, visibility and vibrancy to serve the Church in Africa and beyond.
The Africa Evangelical Centre creates the ambience and a conducive atmosphere for effective work. The facility also provides the opportunity to generate significant rental income for sustainable funding base for core operations. We cannot emphasize enough, the strengthening of AEA for a more robust Christian witness in this era.
We are entering the season of Thanksgiving and Christmas, as the ‘…ber months’ speed on. It is a season of goodwill. Please consider a one time giving towards this worthy course of building the AEC.
We would like to take the opportunity, at the earliest, to convey our warmest season’s greetings and best wishes to you for a blessed time of Thanksgiving and Happy Christmas. To make an online donation please click on the button below. |