Rainbows of Hope
From the Chair’s Desk- Rev. Dr. Mario Li Hing
The whole world is bruised in its flesh. Our pride and our outbursts of false modesty are suddenly cooled down. Our social status, our competence, our purchase of power and our possessions can no longer help us. There is something stronger than us.
Millions of people are confined: confusion, panic, fear, discouragement and despair try to conquer us. To combat them, we urgently need to learn to develop new attitudes, new behaviours.
Millions of people are confined: confusion, panic, fear, discouragement and despair try to conquer us. To combat them, we urgently need to learn to develop new attitudes, new behaviours.
The people are afflicted by uncertainty and are going through times of great suffering. We are broken deep within ourselves.
But, at the heart of this human tragedy, a rainbow appears and it brings colours of hope that allows us to believe in a better future. The air polluted by economic interests which border on immorality is purifying little by little. Families often weakened by a lack of love, presence and listening find themselves living and being together.
Political interests inundated with disregard for promises made must change course to place the populations entrusted to them at the center of their priority concerns. Conferences and symposia organized are postponed so that initiatives of a human nature give rise to concrete actions because the very survival of all humanity is called into question.
So it is our duty to assess our own attitudes and behaviours. The non-respect of the instructions given by the various governments of the world to thwart the Covid-19 by many citizens simply expresses that we want to be free of our movements and our choices.This brutally underlines that we who are made to live in community have neglected what ennobles the human race. We have become over time people closed in on ourselves to protect our personal interests.
It is therefore important to contemplate this rainbow which appears above the thick clouds which obscure our life. The suffering we are currently experiencing can go on forever if our contemplation does not arouse in us the need to act. Freedom of confinement comes at a high price: we must act with a sense of responsibility and respect for the collective well-being.
The hope I have in my heart at this moment is heightened when I see at work those in essential services sacrificing themselves so that we can continue to live at the risk of their own lives.
Confidence is reborn in me when I discover the Church in prayer. Prayer has become a united action that will allow us to rediscover the Love of a merciful and compassionate Father God.
A new life is on the horizon.