
Urgent and Continuing Call for Participation in the Construction of the Africa Evangelical Centre and AEA Headquarters

Greetings in the name of Christ our Lord. Further to several email communications, updates in our monthly news updates and quarterly newsletter – Afroscope, about the Africa Evangelical Centre, we continue to appeal for your participation in this very important project of the Church in this era, in the history of the Church.
I am happy to let you know that the Lord has favoured us to secure a bank loan of USD 2.5 million. This is some good news, as we would now be able to finish the construction, in time for the the official dedication and opening of the Centre on November 30, 2017; at the end of the AEA Governing Council meeting, scheduled for November 28-29, in Nairobi. However, this was our last resort; less of two evils; loan with excessive interest rate of 14% and the construction stalling indefinitely. It behoves us to manage the loan well and pay this off as soon as possible. Every dollar received will help towards offsetting the loan or/and reduce draw-down on the loan. No amount is too small for this project.

The vast number of God’s people in the Church, especially in Africa (no means limited to these) have been the reliable means we have counted on in planning for this project. We are unrelenting in our belief; after all, this is the means God uses for his work and for which he created humans (to glorify him). Many thanks to a small number of you who have supported the project with your financial giving. No amount is too small for the project; we appreciate a number of you who bought bricks for at least a dollar.

Please, we want you all to consider being part of this effort by contributing financially towards the construction of the edifice; symbolising our unity in the body of Christ and enhancing the work for the Kingdom of God. It takes less than 2% of Christians in Africa, donating only a dollar person to accomplish this work.

We cannot emphasise the importance of this edifice and facility enough. The Africa Evangelical Centre seeks to connect with the Church; not only in Africa but the Church in other parts of the globe. The Centre is a one stop place to go to for information and theological resources in the church, with easy access to hard copy and electronic literature resource library, for researchers, especially about work on the African church and evangelical theology. Facilities will include:

  • Conducive office space for work of AEA staff and visitors/ much better ambience for effective work and achieving AEA objectives
  • Board room and conferencing for small to medium size meetings (50pax)
  • Resource Library
  • Suites for accommodation for international visitors
  • Prayer Chapel/retreat
  • Cafeteria facility
  • Video conferencing and siminar rooms with overhead LCD projectors
  • Creche for children/relief for parents with young babies and children
  • Access for physically challenged etc.

AEA will be occupying only the top two floors. The rest of the space in the ten storey building will be rented, with possible outright sale of two floors to other Christian organisations or members.

When fully occupied, the facility will be source for significant income source for the ministry of AEA. I cannot imagine the multiplier effect on the motivation and holistic well being of the staff team and resulting services they would offer to the Church. This is no doubt, a very worthy cause with eternal consequences. You cannot imagine what visibility the unfinished structure on Valley Road, in Nairobi, has given AEA already. More importantly, has Africa wide representative of evangelicals; our physical presence (visibility), is a marker for viability and enhancing vibrancy for effective voice, connectedness and equipping of the church to enhance our ministry objectives.

Please consider being a part of this and for the glory of God.

This is how you can give towards this project:

 P.O. BOX 30550-00100
 ACCOUNT: 0100000199308
 MPESA TILL NUMBER: 889886 (Applicable to Residents of Kenya only)

For those who would want to do this through tax-exempt accounts, this is possible through The World Evangelical Alliance- Please let us know if you need more information.

Aiah Foday-Khabenje
AEA General Secretary