
What’s Up with the AEA Building Construction?

I am sure, keen followers of the Africa Evangelical Centre (name sanctioned by AEA Board) building project would be wondering about the silence, since the beginning of the new year. At this end, we wondering whether you are praying and availing yourself as the channel for God’s provision.

The very exciting construction phase of putting ‘one brick on top of another’ is completed. Internal wet works of floor screeding and plastering are done. The contractor is now busy with fixtures like plumbing, electrical, steel and mechanical works etc.

However, the building has not yet been capped. We plan to have the AEA floor, the 8th and topmost floor, extended upwards to accommodate the resource/library and video conferencing centre aimed at meeting AEA secretariat needs. The suggested adjustment requires the necessary technical drawings and approval of the city authorities. The approval is now awaited.

Nonetheless, the critical concern and urgent need is funding. We still need about Kshs 275,000,000 (two hundred and seventy-five million Kenya Shillings); equivalent of about USD 2,750,000 (two million seven hundred and fifty thousand US dollars) to finish the construction.

Inevitably, we have now approached commercial houses for a loan, in spite of the much dreaded high interest rates. Our application is being processed. While the expected returns on investment (i.e. expected income from rental and sale of part of the space) is great, it does not give the investor (commercial lenders) 100% assurance and comfort level to release the loan. They want to be convinced about other income streams that would service the loan.

You would be aware, that you have been our plan A; the Church of Jesus Christ, especially in Africa. We believe, like Moses, we need to make the move with what God had placed in our hands. We had a prime plot of land and you, among the army of believers, in the Church of Jesus Christ. We are still trusting that God will use you and all together, to provide the funds, for his glory. When we do this together, we could continue to accomplish much more together, as we look at the different ‘sticks’ God has placed in our hands in our different parts of the Lord’s vineyard, for extraordinary fruitfulness and change of fortunes in our communities and indeed, our world.

Thank you for your prayers, giving and encouragement, in one way or another. We look forward to hearing from you and receiving your contribution, as the Lord provides.